What is the Coldest Month in Scottsdale, Arizona?

Find out what is the coldest month in Scottsdale, Arizona and what temperatures to expect during winter and summer.

What is the Coldest Month in Scottsdale, Arizona?

The cold season in Scottsdale, Arizona typically lasts for three or two months, from November 20 to February 27. During this time, the average daily high temperature is below 73° F. The coldest month of the year in Scottsdale is December, with an average minimum temperature of 45° F and a maximum of 66° F. In contrast, the summer months in Scottsdale are usually quite hot. Most days during the summer have maximum temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which generally starts in May and can persist through September.

In some years, even one day in October can reach 100 degrees. The coldest month in Phoenix is January, when the average temperature during the night is 43.4° F. In July, the warmest month, the average daytime temperature rises to 104.2° F.

Evan Winzenried
Evan Winzenried

Devoted zombie fan. Incurable tv fan. Avid travel aficionado. Subtly charming pop culture expert. Certified beer practitioner. Subtly charming social media buff.